1. Where are they physically? one sentence at least
At a prison in solitary confinement
2. How do they spend their time/ what is their job?
They used to be a bartender, now they are in prison. His time is spent doing menial labor but currently he does nothing but think.
3. What is important to them?
His parent, his life on the outside, and what he might lose while he's in prison.
4. What are they anxious/worried about?
He is worried about what's he's done and how its going to affect him moving forward. He is not proud of his actions and regrets it but he can't undo what he's done.
5. What are five other Given Circumstances about them? Age/education/health level/economic level/ status/ favorite hobby/family set up/physical fitness/ anything at all from their past? Be specific and creative!
His age is 22 been out of school for a few years now and was working as a bartender.
Economic level is fairly low he needed his job to make ends meet.
He is pretty healthy could do better drinks a bit too much but its rarely a problem
Has not seen his family in more time than he should have
Status is low especially after going to prison its almost rock bottom.
what's the prison called? What crime did he commit? why did he commit a crime?
1)Why is he in prison?
2)Does his family not visit him?
3)what was his job prior to going to jail?
Where is the prison? What crime did he commit? Does he have cell mates?
What does he think about while doing labor? What might he lose while he's in prison? What happened with his family?
Where did he used to live? How long is he in prison for? Was he living alone or with someone?
1) why did he go to prison
2) what did he go to school for
3) why has he lost contact with his family
Where did he go to school? How long has he been in prison for? What did he plan to do with his life(what was his major)?
Why is he in prison?
What does he think he is going to lose while he's in prison?
Has he only not seen his family in a long time because he is in prison or for another reason?
Why is he in prison?
Why hasn't he seen his family in so long?
What could he lost while in prison?