1. Where are they physically? one sentence at least
At her house where she lives with her boyfriend.
2. How do they spend their time/ what is their job? one sentence at least
She is finishing her last year in college.
3. What is important to them? one sentence at least
Her relationship with her boyfriend as they have been dating for 3 years and it is something she does not want to lose.
4. What are they anxious/worried about? one sentence at least
Lately, she has been worried that her boyfriend could be cheating on her.
5. What are five other Given Circumstances about them? Age/education/health level/economic level/ status/ favorite hobby/family set up/physical fitness/ anything at all from their past? Be specific and creative!
She is about 22 years old, does not have the best relationship with her family, spends a lot of time doing school work or working a part time job at a diner, she has a small group of friends, she is very goal oriented.
What is the age difference?
Where does she go to college?
Why does she think her boyfriends cheating?