1. Where are they physically? one sentence at least
They are in the temperate rainforest of the Russian far east.
2. How do they spend their time/ what is their job? one sentence at least
My character (Mike) Is a black operative leader on a mission in the Russian forest. He spends his time giving orders to his men and executing classified missions.
3. What is important to them? one sentence at least
His main goal is to complete the mission and to make sure all his men are safe and come out alive.
4. What are they anxious/worried about? one sentence at least
He suffers from PTSD from past missions he's been on and remembers all the horrible things he's seen and done.
5. What are five other Given Circumstances about them? Age/education/health level/economic level/ status/ favorite hobby/family set up/physical fitness/ anything at all from their past? Be specific and creative!
He is a high school graduate who went into the army right from high school. He became a Navy S.E.A.L and served for six years before joining the Black Ops. He has no wife or children and a small family back home who he rarely sees. He is in peak physical condition almost like he was created in a lab. He is scared from his past missions from all the things he has done and seen. Even though it's his job to kill and execute missions he feels wrong doing it. He feels sympathy for the enemy because he sees himself as a monster and not a hero.
why is he in a russian forest?
why is he in a black ops groups?
is he always in russia?