1. What play did you choose?
I chose the play Gruesome Playground Injuries by Rajiv Joseph.
2. Why? (2 sentences)
The main reason that I chose this play is because I like the work of Rajiv Joseph. I really liked the play The Guards at the Taj Mahal so I figured that this play would be just as good if not better.
3. What moment in the story seems the most resonate with you? (3 sentences)
The moment in the story that most resonated with me was Scene 3 when they were 13. I could almost relate to that experience with how we acted when we were in eighth grade. I remember going to the school dances and all and it really reminded me of the way me and my friends acted with boys in middle school.
4. Who are you playing?
I am playing Kayleen.
5. List one example of their given circumstances? (1 sentence)
One of Kayleen's given circumstances is that she has a very bad relationship with her father. She also lost her mother a few years before she lost her father.
6. What happens at the end of the play? (5 sentences)
At the end of the play, they were 38 at an ice rink that Doug works at. Doug was in a really bad accident that forced him to be in a wheelchair. Kayleen said that she wanted to touch Doug's legs so she could fix them like she used to do to all of his injuries. Doug didn't let her do it and it really hurt Kayleen. Finally, they reminisced about what happened after they left the nurse's office at the dance when they were 13 when they sat on the swings and talked until almost morning.
Great. So keep going, Why does Kayleen need Doug? What does she get out of the relationship - not in a bad way. We all get things out of our friendships and relationships - that is healthy. So what is it about Doug for her? Keep pressing and poking at her- this scene is going to be good!