1. List 7 important examples of your character’s personal given circumstances? (7 sentences)
Her husband died in a fire
She had a miscarriage
She still hears the baby cry
She captured the soul of her husband and kept it in a box and talks to it
Marigolds symbolize her and her husbands love
The wooer is trying to take her out on a date
She wants to move forward with the wooer but its too hard for her
2. List 5 important aspects of the relationship between your character and the character they are speaking to?
She knows the wooer because he was friends with her husband
She is trying to finally move on from the soul and date the wooer but she has a hard time
The wooer is trying to help her move on
The wooer respects her and supports her through the process
She doesn't end up with wooer at the end like you expect
3. How do they know each other, what is their relationship, is status important, etc? Do not repeat given circumstances from above. (7 sentences)
The relationship between the wooer and the widow is pretty anticlimactic. Throughout the play the wooer tries to please the widow and take her out so that they can fall in love and she can finally let go of her husband. He is very nice and understanding about her situation, but pushy in a way because he wants to be with her. Status in this case is not important. The widow’s husband worked with the wooer so he and the husband probably made the same money and were pretty similar. The widow's reason for holding back from the wooer so much is just because she cant move on and doesn't want to let go of the soul of her husband. At the end of the play the widow actually lets go of the soul but doesn't end up with the wooer either.
4. What do they want from the character they are speaking to. Be specific. (3 sentences)
The widow wants help to move on from her past. In a way she wants a support system. She also wants to love the wooer but it is just too hard for her.
5. Why do they want it? Cite examples from the play. (7 sentences)
The widow wants this from the wooer for the main reason being that she just wants to move forward with her life. She has had her husband's soul in a box for two years and she doesn't let herself move forward from it. She thinks that being with the wooer can help her take that step. She even agrees to do things with the wooer like get rid of some of his stuff in the closet, but when it actually came down to it she wasn't ready. I think she realizes it's very strange how she's holding his soul and wont let him go into heaven where the soul belongs. The soul also wants her to move on because he wants what's best for her. She tries to listen to him but it's not easy.
6. What will happen to your character if they do not get what they want from the character they are speaking to? ( 5 sentences)
If the widow doesn't get help from the wooer she will just be living in denial for the rest of her life. She will never let go of the soul and basically only find love through a dead person. She will not be able to feel intamacy again. The soul will never be able to be free into heaven. Lastly, the widow may never find happiness again.
7. What are five tactics/verbs that you character uses? ( 5 words)
8. Why do they use those tactics as opposed to others? example why do they threaten instead of plead? (5 sentences)
She uses these tactics because she feels bad for the wooer. He is a nice man trying to help her but she just isn't ready to move on yet. All she can think about is the memories of her and her husband. She knows that she needs to let the soul go and that the wooer is doing everything he can to help her which is why she is nice about it and appreciates it. She recognizes that she should be moving on which is why she agrees to see the wooer in the first place.
9. How do you think your character sees themselves? What do they think of themselves? (10 sentences)
I think the widow sees herself as a very loving and caring person. She loved her husband so much that she cant move on from him. I also think she almost feels like she can't be with the wooer because that would be insulting the soul. I think the widow regrets alot from her past and situations that happened with her husband because she cant change any of it now that he's gone. I think she is really mad at herself for this even though she doesn't directly say it. She even looks back at specific things she said she says she wishes she would have said something different. I also just think she's very sad. Losing someone so special to you is not an easy thing to go through. She is very strong for what she has to handle. She also probably is proud of herself for even agreeing and taking any steps towards forgetting the soul. At the end of the play she is probably very proud for finally letting go.
What are they afraid of? (3 sentences)
The widow is afraid of a life without her husband. Although he is physically gone she doesn't want to let go of the soul because she's scared to move forward. She is also scared of loving again.
10. How do they protect themselves? (3 sentences)
The widow originally thinks that keeping the soul will protect her. She comes to realize that letting the soul go is what actually will help her. She also holds back from the widow in hopes of protecting her feelings.
11. What makes them happy? (3 sentences)
The memories the widow has of her and her husband makes her happy. Talking to the soul is what keeps her happy. The wooer also makes her happy but in a different way.
12. In what ways are you similar to your character and in what ways are you different. (10 sentences)
I am similar to the widow being that I am a person who cannot easily move on. Whether it is a past relationship Ive had or a death of a loved one, I can never wrap my head around someone actually being gone. Also, just in general when I love something I have a hard time moving forward from it. This makes it very hard to accept help. I would say my heart is definitely as big as hers. The widow also mentions how she doesnt like small talk. I as well feel like small talk is just annoying and i would rather talk about something deep and real. She also sees the good in the soul even through his bad qualities. She convinces him that what he did on earth was good even know they went through rough patches like when he wanted a divorce after the miscarriage. It may not always be a good thing but i find the good in all people no matter what. I'm different from her obviously being that I am a lot younger and have a lot more to learn with marriage and relationships.
13. Attach a photo of your what your character might look like to you. I do not care about age, race, gender, for the image. Maybe it is what they are wearing? Maybe it is how they are standing? Maybe it is an actor you could imagine playing the role in a movie?
For some reason in my head I just picture the widow like DJ Tanner from fuller house because her husband was a firefighter and died in a fire as well.