The play I decided to watch is called "How to Shave in Six Easy Steps".The final part of this play was Colin cleaning up after shaving. Also while doing this Colin finished up his story about finding himself and his sexuality. In the final minutes he tells us he changed his middle name to Paul after his dad died from a stroke. In his last words Colin tells us "you are all fabulous creatures" stating that no matter who you are you are still special. A moral I would connect to this piece is to be yourself and don't listen to what anyone says.In the beginning of the play Colin talked about how he wanted to be like his manly dad when he was young. As he grew up he would get made fun of and he couldn't be the person he wanted to be. Its important for you to not hold back and accept and be yourself.One element I enjoyed was that this play the actor wasn't really acting. Colin was more telling a story about himself and being gay. I enjoyed this aspect because it was something different and I've never seen before. I enjoyed the story and especially how he would get into the story and let his emotions out. It really made me aware of what Colin was going through.The emotional story telling also made you aware of what other gay people might be going through.One element that confused me was the shaving aspect. I didn't get how he was teaching the audience how to shave while telling a story about being gay.To me this made no sense and little correlation to the story.I feel like it was a stupid addition to the piece. He should've connected the streps and the story better. One obvious way is that he could of just explained how each step connected to each part of his story. Or just take out the shaving steps and rename the play, that would of made the play better
Colin wanted the audience to hear his story and for everyone to be themselves. Four verbs Colin used were explain, describe, convince, perform. I did not enjoy watching Colins performance in "How to shave in Six Easy Steps". I didn't enjoy it because it was boring, most of the play was Colin standing there talking. There was no action or anything to catch my eye.Personally, I didn't feel connected to anything important Colin was saying. The smallest thing I could feel connected to is losing a loved one. I connect to Colin because when he lost his dad he said he felt numb and everyone thought he was so strong. When I lost my grandpa I felt the same way and everyone thought I was so strong. In reality like Colin I wasn't being strong I just couldn't comprehend it.Loss affected Colin the same way as me.
I am sorry you did not enjoy the piece very much, but I am glad that you found some personal resonance within it. Your exploration of the piece is strong but I think we can find better verbs that are a bit more specific than explain.... What do you think the character wanted from us at the end? What did they get out of telling us that we are all fabulous creatures? Let's keep digging at the tactics and the WHYs in the next two weeks. Even when we can't find the exact right words, it is worth the struggle to get as specific as possible. Good Work.